Shubhra Aich

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Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh PA, USA 15213-3890
Email: saich [@] andrew [DOT] cmu [DOT] edu


My research interests include (but not limited to) various sub-domains of Robotics:

  • Perception, Planning and Control.

  • (Practical) Generative Models for Robot Vision.

  • Uncertainty Quantification (UQ), Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection, and Continual Learning (CL).

Selected Publications

  1. S. Aich, W. Wang, P. Maheshwari, M. Sivaprakasam, S. Triest, C. Ho, J.M. Gregory, J.G. Rogers III, and S. Scherer, "Deep Bayesian Future Fusion for Self-Supervised, High-Resolution, Off-Road Mapping", Under review in IROS’2024: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2024. [link]

  2. S. Aich* , J. Ruiz-Santaquiteria*, Z. Lu, P. Garg, K.J. Joseph, A.G. Fernandez, V.N. Balasubramanian, K. Kin, C. Wan, N.C. Camgoz, S. Ma, and F. De la Torre, "Data-Free Class-Incremental Hand Gesture Recognition", In ICCV’2023: IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2023. (*equal contribution) [link] [code]

  3. M. Rochan*, S. Aich*, E.R. Corral-Soto, A. Nabatchian, and B. Liu, "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in LiDAR Semantic Segmentation with Self-Supervision and Gated Adapters", In ICRA’2022: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2022. (*equal contribution) [arxiv]

  4. S. Aich *, J.M.U. Vianney *, M.A. Islam, M. Kaur, and B. Liu, "Bidirectional Attention Network for Monocular Depth Estimation", In ICRA’2021: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2021. (*equal contribution) [arxiv]

Full list of publications.